So i finally found some time to write about my trip to NZ. It was such an amazing week. We got in early Sunday night and after a bit of relaxation all the girls came around with their boyfriends and we had a few wines. It was also Sarahs birthday which was really nice so we had cupcakes that Alice and Steph made by hand :)
Thursday i got the pleasure of spending the Morning with Taz and Kylan, god he had grown up so much and looked like his mum :) He was such a sweet little boy and it made me a bit sad that i wasn't there watching him grow up!
Friday me jordan amz and steph headed down to cooks beach for the weekend... i was pretty hung over but we loaded up with snacks and the ride wasn't to bad...
Sunday was another awesome day, Jordan mum and dad headed out on the boat again to fish and Steph, amz and I headed to cathedral cove to take some photos.
The weather was amazing again and we had a really good day down at the beach. The other guys were pretty succsesful to and got heaps of fish which we had fresh for tea that night.
Sunday night we headed back to Auckland and Monday was a day of packing and organising to fly out that night.
Overall it was an amazing week and it was so nice to see all my beautiful friends and family. Honestly felt like nothing had changed at all and it felt good to fit nicely back in. Was hard to leave but we were pretty excited for the next leg of the trip.